
miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2020



Regards. When we are born we are connected to the universe and then over time we lose our own power as we assimilate limiting beliefs and reductionisms.

They tell us that we belong to a country, a religion and a society, that we belong to a certain sex and that we have to do the things that are required of a person of our belief, social class, religion, sex and age and country.

The first to unmask this process was the Hindu mystic Yidú Krishnamurti, he always told us that the world was an illusion that they make us live, that societies enhance the unreality of the world in which we move by giving various false appearances for it that in the end They are nothing but the construct of our personality, we are what they have told us we are.

Idealizations and dreams of spirituality may be the teachings of the mystic Yidu Krishnamurti. The important thing is the study of religions and perhaps travel physically or mentally towards inspiration, justice, Unconditional Love, Equality. Always be generous, be detached, be loving. See what all the religions of the world agree on, see what they agree on, being the highest.

The identity process is always the differentiating process, the differentiating process always culminates in a conflict. It is a very important point that now with the intense plutonian astrological transformation it is being diluted, it seemed to be a very long process but now the work of the underworld of the demolition of beliefs and appearances is taking place as a process, a long process that is creating resistance and perhaps a trip in the reverse direction. A trip to the origins precisely when we live in a world in decomposition. That is to say, we are going towards a personal war and with the other, with the one who is not me and now we perceive it as a threat because it is fiercely fighting for resources now that resources can no longer be for everyone. On a personal level a war against oneself, on a social level a war with the other and on a planetary level a war between countries and in countries perhaps a war between regions and between classes. And all this just when in reality what is taking place is a process of union when feeling that there is nothing different between what is mine or that of others, between what I think and do not think, because everything is a whole, between what we are and we are not. Fear takes over the mind before this dissolution and spiritual awakening and we all go to seek a refuge in the identity and differentiating concept to seek security, what we feel is fear of this awakening of consciousness that unites us with the cosmos and with the Everything and we run in the opposite direction to the evolution that we are going through as a species looking for the differentiating element that unites us to the earth, that gives us a structure, that does not make us feel lost in the immensity of God, burned by his Power.

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